Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Final Summary/Reactions

After privately asking 5 individuals I know have divorced or separated families, I was surprised with the amount of various responses I received on the questions I asked. For example, one question was if they thought a change that occurred after the split benefited or damaged their family. The response shows 40% benefited and 60% put both. These results show how not every divorce had a positive outcome to all families.

On a whole, I'm really glad I chose this topic since I can relate to it so well. I have a lot of compassion for children who are experiencing the same hardships, I hope you tell by my presentation how truly interested I was researching about Marriage and Family and the effects of divorce.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Revised Summary/Plan 4/14

I have shared my google doc so far with about 5 people who I know have divorced parents. The feedback i've been getting shows that most families have had a civil divorce and that they think their family has benefited from the change. Some people said they understand why their parents got divorced and are ok with it. Coming from a divorced parent family myself, seeing this information about how people haven't had that hard of a time going through a divorce makes me pleased. I'm glad this has helped the families rather than cause a harsher outcome. More people will be getting my survey so there will be more information and statistics to come! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Strategy/Plan for Research

My plan is to create a survey and send it mainly to teenagers with divorced or separated parents. There will be about 10-15 questions. These questions will help figure out the effects of divorce throughout the families. For example, one questions might ask if the divorce was mutual or civil between the parents. I will not be making my survey public but rather sending it privately to a group of teenagers who I am aware have divorced parents. I'm interested in learning the effects of going through a major family change such as divorce in upper middle class families. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Suggested Research Message

As a child from divorced parents, this topic was obviously easy for me to relate to. My plan is to develop  a survey to see how many typical upper middle class families have divorced or separated parents and the general consensus of the effects it has on members of the family involved. I will be asking a series of questions if there parents are divorced, how they feel about it, and if it benefited their family or not. I will be giving teenagers this survey ranging from the ages of 13-18. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

#8: Summary of Research

After researching the many articles and videos for this topic I found a lot of new perspectives on divorce. Knowing there are new outlets for kids and parents to confront this weird change is comforting to me. I myself am going through a similar situation with my family right now and I found many of the things I looked up to be very helpful. Divorce has become a regular thing in society, its nice to know social media is becoming accepting of it. I think researching this has helped me become okay with divorce and the change that comes with it because it's for the better. Change might be scary at first but could have a better outcome for all. It was important for me to research this topic because it gave me a better perspective on divorce and what comes with it. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

#7- Kids Talk About marriage and Divorce

I found this video while scrolling through the internet and thought it was so interesting because its just kids sitting down talking about how they feel about marriage and divorce. No influence from parents just them being honest about their parents and their different situations. One girl talks about her parents and what marriage means to her, she says the key is to be "true to one another" which I thought was so sweet and inspirational. Another girl talks about her Mom who was remarried, she expresses how she sometimes feels its her fault that her parents don't get along even though she knows that's not really true. I can relate, my parents are going through a divorce and its hard even for me not to feel responsible for whats happening and i'm 18 years old. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

#6-The Grounds to Divorce

In New Jersey there are nine reasons that you can divorce someone. I find some of these grounds very interesting. For example, you can divorce someone if  your spouse was sentenced to go to jail for 18 or more consecutive months after marriage. Another one is you can divorce someone if they have a drug or alcohol problem. Some of these are very helpful to people who live with am abusive husband or wife and could probably speed up the divorce trial knowing what the exact problem is. 

Click here to view all 9 grounds