Thursday, February 6, 2014

#4 CHOICE: Helping Children Get Through Divorce

So I realized my last two post about divorce mostly talk about statistics rather than what divorce really does to families. It got me thinking about the kids especially and how parents handle breaking the news to the kids. So I went on google and searched "How to explain divorce to kids" and since in our previous class we spoke about Seasame Street I figured this video was perfect to use. 

The fact that Seasame Street has spoke about divorce in their show truly shows how relevant divorce has become in our society. I'm happy they addressed it in an episode, I think its important for kids to know its not weird or embarrassing to have divorced parents, they shouldn't feel like outsiders because their family may not be like everyone else's. 

1 comment:

  1. Sesame Street continues to change the world! I think this is so fascinating and helpful, especially because it is coming from a known name. If you made a child watch some random cartoon to explain the issue, they would questions its legitimacy. Sesame Street, on the other hand, would be something familiar and pleasant. The explanation isn't too complicated, and Elmo and Rosita both show genuine curiosity, not prejudice. While some could judge the child and their parents, Sesame Street envisions something better, much in the way it envisions a more Utopian world in terms of class and race. This could be a great way to start a discussion with a child about what is happening, especially as children are often in the dark on the true state of affairs in a marriage.
