Monday, February 24, 2014

#5- CHOICE: Catholics and Divorce

Being a Roman Catholic I couldn't help but wonder the church's rules on divorce.
I googled "the Roman Catholic's take on divorce" and a faq page came up with many frequently asked questions. As I started reading on how annulments were granted I figured out its a long and complex system.  I also found out the church charges a fee to grant an annulment! To me it seems odd to charge $400 just to be remarried in the church again. I feel like it decreases the meaning of marriage by putting a price on it. Especially if the annulment isn't even granted! Another thing I do not agree with is that the church does not view your marriage as "real" if you do not have it performed by a priest or deacon. You are also not allowed to receive communion. To me, marriage is about love not who performed the ceremony, it seems ridiculous to prevent someone from receiving the Eucharist because of it.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

#4 CHOICE: Helping Children Get Through Divorce

So I realized my last two post about divorce mostly talk about statistics rather than what divorce really does to families. It got me thinking about the kids especially and how parents handle breaking the news to the kids. So I went on google and searched "How to explain divorce to kids" and since in our previous class we spoke about Seasame Street I figured this video was perfect to use. 

The fact that Seasame Street has spoke about divorce in their show truly shows how relevant divorce has become in our society. I'm happy they addressed it in an episode, I think its important for kids to know its not weird or embarrassing to have divorced parents, they shouldn't feel like outsiders because their family may not be like everyone else's. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

#3 Video Divorce Rates


This video addresses the divorce rates in the US and the new "norms" couples are now doing while dating. The national survey of family and growth states in the video that 50% of marriages still end in divorce and have been for over 2 decades. It also mentions that couples are now moving in together before marriage. Statistics also show that living together before "taking the plunge" has prevented more divorces and led to more successful marriages. I personally think that living together before marriage helps you to better know the person you're potentially marrying. Although in some cultures and religions it's usually prohibited. I feel you get a better perspective on what marriage will be like with your partner.