Monday, January 27, 2014

Divorce After 50 Grows More Common

This article talks about the growing number of older Americans who have divorced lately, and the serious implications it has on society. A teacher, Stephanie Coontz, who teaches family history at Evergreen State College mentions that married couples aren't staying together because people expect more of marriage than they used to. She also mentions that in the present day we have many more options available if marriage doesn't "live up to those expectations." Since 2011 the census bureau calculated about 15.4 percent of Americans older than 50 were divorced. 

Reading this article I was shocked to learn that a large amount of older couples were divorcing. I always assumed that if you were with someone for that long they were happy enough to stay together till death, as they say in their marriage vows. I do agree with Coontz's point of how nowadays more options for single people are available. I think that divorce does have a strain on the economy because it places a burden on children, and also on institutional support from government and other sources. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

#1 Introduction

My reason for choosing the topic of divorce is to understand more about it since my family is going through a similar situation. I also find it interesting to learn how its recently become a more common choice for families in America.